Brandneu kommt aus Schweden ein nun endlich speziell auf Motorradfahrer abgestimmtes Trinksystem. Von Racern für Racer entwickelt!
Speziell für längere Renndistanzen wie Cross Country oder bei Extremwettbewerben bietet sich dieses System an.
Neben Max Nagl durften auch die BMW Werksfahrer dieses neuartige System vor Verkaufsstart bereits ausgiebig testen und schwören seitdem auf die Trinksysteme von USWE.
Wer vergangenes Wochenende gut aufgepasst hat, konnte sehen wie Max Nagl in Aichwald bereits mit dem Neck Brace Trinksystem ausgerückt ist!

Ab sofort sind diese Produkte beim deutschen Importeur Speedbrain im Onlineshop zu haben!

Hier noch einige Details aus der ersten Pressemitteilung:

SP500 with Hands-free kit
1USWE - SP500USWE is now introducing a revolutionary hydration system which can be applied directly to the neck brace. The name of the product is USWE - SP500 and is intended for performance conscious riders and cyclists in Motocross, Enduro, Offroad, and Downhill Mountain Biking. The hydration system is carefully designed to provide optimal fit and function with Leatt Brace and EVS Evolution without affecting the neck protection characteristics. USWE has conducted tests on the SP500 with the neck protection manufacturer Leatt Corporation in South Africa, the test results have shown to be very positive.The hydration system (500ml) is fixed tight on the neck protection. The position of the hydration system will provide high stability and an appropriate weight distribution for a minimally load on the rider during the performance.The system is very easy to use and together with a USWE GP Hands-free kit it is quick to replenish the fluid container in connection with a pit stop at the longer race distances.USWE - SP500 allows the rider both to protect his neck and bring new body fuel to perform to the maximum.

2USWE - H500/700/1300USWE - is an ultra-light sport harness from USWE with integrated hydration system designed for athletes who set extremely high demands on their equipment. The system provides a stable and secure fit on the upper body, fixing the fluid container between the shoulder blades on the back. With its unique design and minimal coverage it gives excellent ventilation capacity to the body and prevents particular distressing and chafing straps over the chest muscles and the armpit. This unique sport harness has several adjustments depending on body size and fluid volume.USWE - H500/700/1300 is primarily adapted for the Enduro, Motocross and Mountain Biking, but works great in most other branches of activity that requires regular fluid replacement. The container is available for short, medium and long range (500ml, 700ml, 1300ml). The system is very easy to use and together with a USWE GP Hands-free kit it is quick to replenish the fluid container in connection with a pit stop at the longer race distances.

3USWE’s new hydration system was exposed publicly the first time at this year MXGP premiere in Italy, where the World Championship rider Shaun Simpson was the first to use the SP500 hydration system. Since then USWE let several top riders test drive with the new products.
You would therefore expect to see many more international and national riders that use USWE throughout the season.

* You can add new fuel to your body during riding and thus increase your performance at the end of a race of 10-20%.
* You can easily drink hands-free without having to let go of the handlebar.
* GP Hands-free kit (Fluid tube installation in the helmet).
* During the race you can rinse off dust and dirt from the mouth and throat which gives you free airway.
* SP-500: You can easily mount the drink system directly to your neck brace and still achieve optimal fit and function. Works with Leatt Brace and EVS Evolution.
* H500/700/1300: You have a hydration system that provides optimal fit and weight distribution. Prevent “bumping” when riding.

BLADDERS: You avoid dirty bacteria in the fluid container.
5USWE Replacement bladder          
With USWE replacement bladders you are eliminating the need for any cleaning of the fluid container to avoid dirty bacteria after use.
Meaning, a maintenance free fluid container that you:

1. Load with any drink.
2. Use.
3. And throw it when you are ready.
The same bladder can be reused several times within the next few days if only water is used. The user decides itself on its own responsibility.
The fluid container and tube are both made of a durable plastic material that is food approved and does not emit any harmful gases during combustion. This product can be disposed after use among ordinary waste whith both container and tube combusted to water and carbon dioxide.

It is scientifically proven that athletes during intense physical activity lose 1-2,5 liters of fluids per hour based on the prevailing climate and intensity. The fluid is lost from the body through breathing and perspiration, and at a fluid loss of 1% of the body weight, the performance is reduced by 10%. If fluid loss is not regulated, the body will quickly be affected by fluid deficiency, which means that the body can not produce new energy. The symptoms can be muscle cramps, uneven heart rate and body temperature.

To drink small amounts of fluid (25-50ml) every 5-10 minutes during physical activity makes the body absorb new liquid more effectively, and allows the body to produce 10-20% more energy during a training session / race (30 min>). Likewise, this gives a positive signal to the brain which increases the body’s performance.

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